Health policy

  • The well-being of each child is our highest priority. Each winter brings a new cycle of colds and infectious diseases and to prevent this from spreading to others , ill children must be kept away from group care for the protection of all.

    Certain symptoms in children suggest the presence of a communicable disease. Children who have the following symptoms should be excluded from the care setting until:
    a. A doctor has certified that the symptoms are not associated with an infectious agent.
    b.The symptoms have totally subsided.

    a. Fever (38C or higher)*
    b. Vomiting (Twice in 24 hour period)
    c. Diarrhea*
    d. Undiagnosed rash
    e. Green nasal mucus
    f. The child is too ill to play outside
    g. Other illness at the discretion of the teacher.

    * If a child shows these symptoms they should be kept at home for a full extra day after the symptoms have subsided.

    **All children are required to provide a doctors certificate to recommence at the kindergarten.
    This is to prevent any unnecessary cross-infection.

    The school does not have the facilities or extra staff to care for sick children, however, every effort will be made to keep a sick child comfortable until a family member arrives.
    Thank you for your co-operation.

    If urgent medical attention is required, a staff member will accompany the ill/injured child to the hospital. The parents will be notified as soon as possible.