Our Summer Camp, which has been opened in June for kids at the age of 3 – 10, enabled all the attendees to have fun and joy. Special program was designed for children, so that they could gain knowledge in a playful way. Each week kids were discussing planned topics and discovered something new. Topics were really interesting, hence, while learning process not only children were excited, but teachers also felt the same. Little children were explained easier stuff, whereas those who are older got more information, and studied themes in depth. Below topics for every week are described in a detailed form.
1.During the first week children started their “Tour to Europe”. After this tour they could easily demonstrate knowledge of Geography. All of them remembered the most famous cities of the largest European countries. Show them Eiffel Tower, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, you will see, that they already know these masterpieces of architecture.
2.Who does not want to plunge into the underwater world? It has so many wonders and mysteries that even adults want to get to know all its sacraments. Week 2 was dedicated to the theme “Under the Ocean”, and children learnt names of the species of fish, types of algae and others.
3.Every child secretly dreams about glory pretending themselves to be heroes from favourite cartoons.”Super heroes and Disney” – that was the topic of Week 3. Children got involved into the theme to a great extent. It can be stated with certainty, teachers in that case learnt more from children than taught, as it was the theme of kids’ interest.
4.”The Mighty Jungle” – reminds Mowgli and his friends. Almost the same characters were talked about during the 4th week. Now the children know how powerful lions, tigers, panthers, cougars can be. They are able to create adventurous stories and retell texts. It was exciting to listen to fantasy and admire their imagination.
5.The fifth week gave opportunity to feel mightiness of pirates. By learning the theme “Pirates and Treasure Hunters” they got familiarized with fleet, pirates’ secrets, abilities, what is usually lurked in the treasury. Children make up stories about pirates’ cunnings, intrigues and crafts.
6.Do you remeber school years, especially History classes, where we learnt ancient civilizations and wondered people’s way of life? “Ancient Egypt” was one of the most informative topics in Summer Camp Program. Who were pharaohs, what are pyramids,sphinks – are known for kids now.”Man fears time, but time fears the pyramids” – probably, this phrase will you hear from your child.
7.”Knights and Princesses” was discussed by our teachers and children during the seventh week.This theme was thought up with a purpose to entertain children and help them to create new fairy tales about heroes on their own.
8.The theme of the 8th week may be rarely heard, and we were happy to include this theme to the program, because of its actuality and topicality.”Trashion week” was an important week in the kindergarten.Trashion means creating new objects from used ones.We teach children to be more concious about environmentalism, use imagination, be innovative and think about recycling. Parents may got this point and make something new with their loved ones. For instance, from used cans they may create so called “pencil box”, make bracelets from old threads, wearable accessories from old materials, design robots from boxes, etc.
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